Retrofit & Replacement
No matter how well serviced your HVAC system is, it will eventually need to be replaced. Is your commercial building more than 20 years old? If so, it’s likely time to look at upgrading your mechanical system including boilers, HVAC, and plumbing.
When looking at retrofitting the systems of an existing building there are a number of issues to address. These include the type of equipment to add, the operating conditions of your building, and, of course, your budget. Ultimately you’ll enjoy improved building comfort and reduced risk of equipment breakdown. You can also look forward to energy savings and lower maintenance costs.
Broadway has extensive experience in retrofitting buildings and dealing with all of the unique conditions that come with established structures to install efficient and sustainable equipment within budgets.
Our expertise will help you decide on the most applicable equipment and system for your building. We work with you to provide long-term solutions including planned maintenance contracts that help you improve your service to ensure tenant comfort, and help you meet your sustainability and energy efficiency targets. We provide a retrofit analysis and implementation plan and we make sure that it fits both your capital investment and operating budget. We can also investigate financing solutions that help your pay-back or cash-flow profile.